Daniel Milchev

Captured by Daniel Milchev

Through the years I have covered and enjoyed some of the biggest action sports events in the world. Competitions like X Games, Dew Tour, US Open, Crankworx, Ms Superpark, Red Bull Rampage and many more..

Every year I get to witness the progression of action sports, tricks being landed for a fist time and athletes pushing the limits of their sport. The biggest reward for me, besides being in the presence of powerful moments, is the opportunity to capture them. What I aim for is to get people inspired and continue the evolution through the power of my vision.

Selected Clients List:
RedBull, ESPN, VitaminWater, Burton, Neversummer, BIC, Venture Snowboards,  Powderhorn Apparel, Grace Skis, CandyGrind, Vail Corporation, Dirty Dog Eyeware, Maui Jim, Gemini Lights, Getty Images

View Daniel's work here.

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